Monday, June 11, 2012

At a Loss & a Low

It's been a trying couple of weeks, as I expected it to be.  But I didn't know just WHAT to expect.  Deployments suck, there is just no nice way to go about describing it.  So many emotions from pride and love to seperation anxiety, tears & unexpected behaviors.  We have them all.  And I'm at a loss as to what to do for my sweet little boy.  He's been such a mean, aggressive, naughty little boy since daddy left.  I know where it's coming from, I know why....I just don't know HOW to help him or HOW to fix his hurting.  We talk about daddy all the time, he's been able to talk to daddy on the phone a few times; but what does a 4yr old have to talk about on the phone.  Today we found a way to video chat.  Due to bandwidth issues this was our 1st opportunity to see daddy and have him see us.  It was SO good to see him and hear his voice and Jonner was thrilled to show him his toys and make funny faces and was such a chatter box...until it was time to say goodbye and he burried his head into my chest and cried.  He cried for a good 30 minutes after we turned off the camera's.  I redirected him and we played and cleaned up the toy room and eventually he fell asleep.  I had to wake him up to take him to VBS tonight at our church.  He didn't want to go and I struggled with it.  He wanted me to hold him and carry him and I had to leave him crying and all the way to the car I cried too....and I'm still crying.  I hate that he's hurting so much and afraid that I won't be back for him.  I hate that I had to feed him a yogurt in the car on the way to VBS b/c if it doesn't have a drive thru I haven't "made" dinner since daddy left.  I hate that he's been so mean and tormenting towards the dogs.  I hate that he get's mad & frustrated so quickly that he hits me, sasses me, throw's fits and breaks things.  I know where it's coming from....but I'm at a loss.  I pray and I pray and I pray and it's dark and lonely and I miss my best friend....and these are new emotions for me.  We've been through a lot of deployments before and each has been unique and had it's struggles but this one has had a lot of storms and we're only at the beginning.  Jonner is such a daddy's boy and Eric is a great dad and enjoys & wants to spend time with Jonner and play in the dirt and be rough & tumble boys together.  They are two peas in a pod and I'm the vine.  They stick together while I feed and nourish their relationship.  Jonner is lost without his pod pal and I know Eric is as well and there's a drought and I'm drying up. 

I know my roots are still strong.  I know that I need to rest & refresh for this time Jonner is at VBS so I can get back on track and be the mom & wife I need to be for my two guys.  Sometimes things are so much easier said than done.  I feel guilty for wanting/needing a break.  I feel weak for having gotten sick and letting my house get out of hand so badly that I feel like I'm in a sandpit and getting sucked under.  I feel like a bad mom for not making sure my child has a healthy diet of 3 meals and snacks.  I know that my lack of routine is in part to blame for his acting out. 

Right now I just want to go pickup my child, bring him home, cuddle and fall asleep holding him.  And hope that tomorrow will be a better day for the both of us.   

1 comment:

HissyFits said...

You KNOW what you need to do already mom! Go get your boy, snuggle him up. Sleep the night away, then dust off your pants tomorrow. It's this stuff right here, that sucks so bad, but make us military wives/moms sooo unbelievably awesome!!!! Jonner will smooth out soon. Noah had a couple mean streaks too and I remember feeling just like you have discribed. If I had it to do over again.......I would have ignored my "messy house" or what ever other distraction there was and just gave him ALLLL the time and attention he needed to get through.

Don't be so hard on yourself.