This week has been a short one for us here at home, but it's been a crazy one. I don't know if it's because of the quick trip up to Iowa and getting out of our routine or just what, but Jonner has been out of sorts. And by out of sorts I mean extremely naughty and mouthy. I've reached the end of my rope and I'm praying we can get back on track this weekend.
I can't complain about his sleeping habits because the last few weeks he's been sleeping like a champ. No potty accidents, staying in his bed and sleeping until 7am. We stopped letting him fall asleep to his tv being on and I think it's made a huge difference and helped him sleep better. But boy oh boy does he give me a run for my money during the day. And then once daddy is home he's back to being a good little boy.
Why does he think it's ok to be mean and hateful towards me but not towards daddy? Let me give you a run down of this weeks naughty behavior. A few days ago he played in the toilet with a washcloth. Toilet water was everywhere, again today playing in the toilet. I've already removed everything from the bathroom I could possible imagine...even the shower curtain is gone. My next resort is just locking him out of the bathroom and making him come tell me when he has to go potty so I can unlock and supervise him. He is constantly telling me "no", hitting, kicking. Today in the library he was climbing on the magnetic thing that beeps at the door and I told him to get off that it wasn't something to climb on. I started to re-direct him to the children's library and he yelled "no, knock it off mommy" and hit & bit me then said "mommy you're stupid". I took him by the hand, we immediately returned the movie we were checking out and walked out the door. He cried the whole way and frankly I didn't really care. Once buckled in the car I asked him if he knew why we left and he just cried and yelled at me that he wanted to go to the library. He proudly told daddy of his bad behavior as soon as we met with him for lunch and daddy made him appoligize and had a talking to him.
I know that when he's mis-behaving I've caught myself telling him to "knock it off" so I know where he get's that from, but calling people stupid has me stumped. I need to figure out some sort of behavior strategy for him. I'm thinking his a monetarily driven kid so it's going to be something with coins. He has no idea what money is, he just likes to collect it in his piggy bank. So I'm going to find a jar and start taking coins away everytime he says a "bad" word. I wish I could figure something out that would reward a good/alternate bahavior but right now I'm so agitated with him that I'm at a loss. *Ideas/suggestions are welcome.*
I know I've made and will continue to make mistakes with him, at the end I just want to be a good mom and raise a confident, caring & respetful child. The funny thing is he know's when he's misbehaving and we have to leave a situation because of his behavior. He will cry "I want to behave" because he doesn't want to miss out on the fun things. I just can't understand why he continues to do what he does when he know's he's in the wrong.
I love the little booger, he's made me laugh, he's made me cry, he's made me proud and today he's leading me to pulling my hair out.
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