On the adoption front. Our facebook networking paid off a little bit. Eric had a co-worker approach him a few weeks ago asking if we were still trying to adopt. When he told her we were she said she knew of a young lady attending college that recently found out that she was pregnant and was considering having an abortion. Eric called me and that same day I made a flier for the co-worker to give this young lady. After hearing about this young lady I started praying for her every day and I didn't let my hopes get up, but I wanted God to know I thought of her and wanted her to make the right decision for her whether it meant abortion, adoption or parenting the child herself. Yesterday we found out that she had called Eric's co-worker last week and decided to keep and parent her child. Sadly we found out yesterday that she miscarried her baby. My heart is very heavy for her. I know she had a big decision to make and she didn't make a hasty decision and now her baby is gone. Please say a prayer for this young lady that she may have peace with this loss.
We continue to be hopeful and know that God has our child picked out and it's just a matter of time, trust & patience. The later is the most difficult, we're ready for our new little bundle of joy!
We'll be making another quick trip up to Iowa City this weekend to see Jeanette. After a month in the hospital and a round of chemo she was released to go home. She was only able to spend a week there as blood results came back that the chemo hadn't worked like hoped and she still had Acute Myloid Luekemia. Last week she returned to University of Iowa Hospital as an out-patient (Hope Lodge) for another month and round of chemo. She had a set back over the weekend and spiked a fever putting her back into the hospital as a patient and stopping the chemo. A bacteria was found in one of the ports for the chemo and she was put on antibiotics. During this time her blood/oxygen level dropped and she had to have her oxygen levels bumped up. Her blood/oxygen levels have returned to somewhat normal and she's back to just a tube in her nose instead of the mask. The bacteria is clearing up and next week they will start giving her a stronger dose of chemo. She's sounded very tired and worn out the times we've talked and Gerry said he's never seen her so sick. I'm praying Jonner get's to see her, but not getting my hopes up. I worry about her low to non-existent immunity and whatever little germs he might be carrying around with him. Please say a prayer for MomS to recover and be cancer free and for the rest of the family traveling to be with her.
On a happy note Eric starts 3 wks of vacation on Monday. He's already said the phone is getting turned off.....it's on it's last leg, so that's not to hard to do anymore! We really haven't got much planned other than a lot of fun & family time together. I'm hoping the temps stay low and we can take Jonner fishing and we've talked about a trip to Memphis & Branson but we'll see. It'll be nice having daddy home and sleeping in!
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