Monday, July 25, 2011

Chronic Illness

My life with a chronically ill child.  Jonner has dealt with ear infections since he was 9-10 months old.  Doctors told us that he would have to wait until he turned 2 to have tubes put in.  A month before his 2nd birthday I made an appointment with the ENT at St. Louis Children's Hospital and we were told he'd have to have tubes and tonsils and adnoids removed along with stay in the hospital for observation because of his age and having all 3 done at the same time.  I knew that it would make my baby feel better and I never regretted or worried about him.  11 months after his tubes were put in he had his 1st ear infection.  It was nasty and gross but we knew with the drainage the tubes were still in place and doing what they were intended for.  A few weeks later one tube fell out and the other remained and he started having infections in the ear that no longer had the tube so this last March we took our little boy in for his 2nd round of forward 4.5 months and he has another ear infection.  Last week his left ear started draining and I took him to our PCM right away.  He prescribed an antibiotic and ear drops....his ear is so gunked up the drops just roll out.  Today the other ear is dripping a gross goo down his ear lobe onto his shirt.  His poor little ears hurt to touch, they're raw from me wiping the goo and he's a bit on the cranky side.  I'm thankful he's not too cranky, as I type he's playing nicely in his room with his superhero's and he's dressed up as Spiderman.  A happy 3yr old until the Tylenol wears off or I need to hold him down to wipe or administer drops. 

No mother wants to see her child in pain, I'm no different.  I wish I could carry this pain for him - goo and all.  It breaks my heart to have to hold him down to wipe with a warm cloth and put drops in.  Tomorrow we see the ENT at STL Children's Hospital again.  I pray for answers and relief for my Jman.

Getting to the song/video above.  A friend from high school recently started blogging and was trying to figure out putting music to her blog.  After reading her well written blog about finding a sacred spot I decided I'd play around and see if I could figure out music from her link.  My playing around ended up adding this song/video to my own blog.  I think God is reminding me that today I need to take a few minutes and find some sacred silence to reflect, say a prayer and let all the goo drain away from me. 

A prayer to let go, God is in control.  A prayer for mommy strength.  A prayer for Jonner to heal.  And a praise for a sweet little boy who just came up to me and said "Mommy I love You" and gave me a big sloppy Tylenol kiss.  I look forward to nap and cuddling with my Bug until he falls asleep and then finding a sacred spot for me. 

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